How to validate OpenShift using Ansible

You might have seen my previous article about the OpenShift troubleshooting guide. With this blog post I want to show how to validate that an OpenShift container platform is fully functional. This is less of an issue when you do a fresh install but becomes more important when you apply changes or do in-place upgrades your cluster. And because we all like automation; I show how to do this with Ansible in an automated way.

Let’s jump right into it and look at the different steps. Here the links to the Ansible role and playbook for more details:

  • Prepare workspace – create a temp directories and copy admin.kubeconfig there.
  • Check node state – run command to check for Not Ready nodes:
  • oc get nodes --no-headers=true | grep -v ' Ready' | true
  • Check node scheduling – run command to check for nodes where scheduling is disabled:
  • oc get nodes --no-headers=true | grep 'SchedulingDisabled' | awk '{ print $1 }'
  • Check master certificates – check validity of master API, controller and etcd certificates:
  • cat /etc/origin/master/ca.crt | openssl x509 -text | grep -i Validity -A2
    cat /etc/origin/master/master.server.crt | openssl x509 -text | grep -i Validity -A2
    cat /etc/origin/master/admin.crt | openssl x509 -text | grep -i Validity -A2
    cat /etc/etcd/ca.crt | openssl x509 -text | grep -i Validity -A2
  • Check nodes certificates – check validity of worker node certificate. This needs to run on all compute and infra nodes, not masters:
  • cat /etc/origin/node/server.crt | openssl x509 -text | grep -i Validity -A2
  • Check etcd health – run command for cluster health check:
  • /usr/bin/etcdctl --cert-file /etc/etcd/peer.crt --key-file /etc/etcd/peer.key --ca-file /etc/etcd/ca.crt -C https://{{ hostname.stdout }}:2379 cluster-health
  • Check important default projects for failed pods – look out for failed pods:
  • oc get pods -o wide --no-headers=true -n {{ item }} | grep -v " Running\|Completed" || true
  • Check registry health – run GET docker-registry healthz path and expect http 200:
  • curl -kv https://{{ registry_ip.stdout }}/healthz
  • Check SkyDNS resolution – try to resolve internal hostnames:
  • nslookup docker-registry.default.svc.cluster.local
    nslookup docker-registry.default.svc
  • Check upstream DNS resolution – try and resolve cluster external dns names.
  • Create test project
  • Run persistent volume test – create busybox container and claim volume
    1. apply imagestream, deploymentconfig and persistent volume claim configuration
    2. synchronise testfile to container pv
    3. check content of testfile
    4. delete testfile
  • Run test build – run the following steps to create multiple application pods on the OpenShift cluster:
    1. apply buildconfig, imagestream, deploymentconfig, service and route configuration
    2. check pods are running
    3. get route hostnames
    4. connect to routes and show output
    5. trigger new-build and check new build is created
    6. check if pods are running
    7. connect to routes and show output
  • Delete test project
  • Delete workspace folder – at the end the validation the role deletes the temporary folder and all its contents.

Next we need to run the playbook and see the output below:

PLAY [Check OpenShift cluster installation] ***********************************************************************************************************************

TASK [check : make temp directory] ********************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [master1]

TASK [check : create temp directory] ******************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [master1]

TASK [check : create template folder] *****************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [master1]

TASK [check : create test file folder] ****************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [master1]

TASK [check : get hostname] ***************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [master1]

TASK [check : copy admin config] **********************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [master1]

TASK [check : check for not ready nodes] **************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [master1]

TASK [check : not ready nodes] ************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [master1] => {
    "notready.stdout_lines": []

TASK [check : check for scheduling disabled nodes] ****************************************************************************************************************
changed: [master1]

TASK [check : scheduling disabled nodes] **************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [master1] => {
    "schedulingdisabled.stdout_lines": []

TASK [check : validate master certificates] ***********************************************************************************************************************
changed: [master1] => (item=cat /etc/origin/master/ca.crt | openssl x509 -text | grep -i Validity -A2)
changed: [master1] => (item=cat /etc/origin/master/master.server.crt | openssl x509 -text | grep -i Validity -A2)
changed: [master1] => (item=cat /etc/origin/master/admin.crt | openssl x509 -text | grep -i Validity -A2)
changed: [master1] => (item=cat /etc/etcd/ca.crt | openssl x509 -text | grep -i Validity -A2)

TASK [check : ca certificate] *************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [master1] => {
    "msg": [
            "        Validity",
            "            Not Before: Jan 31 17:13:52 2019 GMT",
            "            Not After : Jan 30 17:13:53 2024 GMT"
            "        Validity",
            "            Not Before: Jan 31 17:13:53 2019 GMT",
            "            Not After : Jan 30 17:13:54 2021 GMT"
            "        Validity",
            "            Not Before: Jan 31 17:13:53 2019 GMT",
            "            Not After : Jan 30 17:13:54 2021 GMT"
            "        Validity",
            "            Not Before: Jan 31 17:11:09 2019 GMT",
            "            Not After : Jan 30 17:11:09 2024 GMT"

TASK [check : check etcd state] ***********************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [master1]

TASK [check : show etcd state] ************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [master1] => {
    "etcdstate.stdout_lines": [
        "member 335450512aab5650 is healthy: got healthy result from",
        "cluster is healthy"

TASK [check : check default openshift-infra and logging projects for failed pods] *********************************************************************************
ok: [master1] => (item=default)
ok: [master1] => (item=kube-system)
ok: [master1] => (item=kube-service-catalog)
ok: [master1] => (item=openshift-logging)
ok: [master1] => (item=openshift-infra)
ok: [master1] => (item=openshift-console)
ok: [master1] => (item=openshift-web-console)
ok: [master1] => (item=openshift-monitoring)
ok: [master1] => (item=openshift-node)
ok: [master1] => (item=openshift-sdn)

TASK [check : failed failedpods] **********************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [master1] => {
    "msg": [

TASK [check : get container registry ip] **************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [master1]

TASK [check : check container registry health] ********************************************************************************************************************
ok: [master1]

TASK [check : check internal SysDNS resolution for cluster.local] *************************************************************************************************
changed: [master1] => (item=docker-registry.default.svc.cluster.local)
changed: [master1] => (item=docker-registry.default.svc)

TASK [check : check external DNS upstream resolution] *************************************************************************************************************
changed: [master1] => (
changed: [master1] => (
changed: [master1] => (

TASK [check : create test project] ********************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [master1]

TASK [check : run test persistent volume] *************************************************************************************************************************
included: /var/jenkins_home/workspace/openshift/ansible/roles/check/tasks/pv.yml for master1

TASK [check : create sequence number list for pv] *****************************************************************************************************************
ok: [master1] => (item=1)
ok: [master1] => (item=2)
ok: [master1] => (item=3)
ok: [master1] => (item=4)
ok: [master1] => (item=5)

TASK [check : copy build templates] *******************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [master1] => (item={u'dest': u'busybox.yml', u'src': u'busybox.j2'})
changed: [master1] => (item={u'dest': u'pv.yml', u'src': u'pv.j2'})

TASK [check : copy testfile] **************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [master1]

TASK [check : create pvs] *****************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [master1]

TASK [check : deploy busybox pod] *********************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [master1]

TASK [check : check if all pods are running] **********************************************************************************************************************
FAILED - RETRYING: check if all pods are running (10 retries left).
changed: [master1] => (item=busybox)

TASK [check : get busybox pod name] *******************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [master1]

TASK [check : sync testfile to pod] *******************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [master1]

TASK [check : check testfile in pv] *******************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [master1]

TASK [check : delete testfile in pv] ******************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [master1]

TASK [check : run test build] *************************************************************************************************************************************
included: /var/jenkins_home/workspace/openshift/ansible/roles/check/tasks/build.yml for master1

TASK [check : create sequence number list for hello openshift] ****************************************************************************************************
ok: [master1] => (item=0)
ok: [master1] => (item=1)
ok: [master1] => (item=2)
ok: [master1] => (item=3)
ok: [master1] => (item=4)
ok: [master1] => (item=5)
ok: [master1] => (item=6)
ok: [master1] => (item=7)
ok: [master1] => (item=8)
ok: [master1] => (item=9)

TASK [check : create pod list] ************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [master1] => (item=[u'0', {u'svc': u'http'}])
ok: [master1] => (item=[u'1', {u'svc': u'http'}])
ok: [master1] => (item=[u'2', {u'svc': u'http'}])
ok: [master1] => (item=[u'3', {u'svc': u'http'}])
ok: [master1] => (item=[u'4', {u'svc': u'http'}])
ok: [master1] => (item=[u'5', {u'svc': u'http'}])
ok: [master1] => (item=[u'6', {u'svc': u'http'}])
ok: [master1] => (item=[u'7', {u'svc': u'http'}])
ok: [master1] => (item=[u'8', {u'svc': u'http'}])
ok: [master1] => (item=[u'9', {u'svc': u'http'}])

TASK [check : copy build templates] *******************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [master1] => (item={u'dest': u'hello-openshift.yml', u'src': u'hello-openshift.j2'})

TASK [check : deploy hello openshift pods] ************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [master1]

TASK [check : check if all pods are running] **********************************************************************************************************************
FAILED - RETRYING: check if all pods are running (10 retries left).
changed: [master1] => (item={u'name': u'hello-http-0'})
FAILED - RETRYING: check if all pods are running (10 retries left).
changed: [master1] => (item={u'name': u'hello-http-1'})
changed: [master1] => (item={u'name': u'hello-http-2'})
changed: [master1] => (item={u'name': u'hello-http-3'})
changed: [master1] => (item={u'name': u'hello-http-4'})
changed: [master1] => (item={u'name': u'hello-http-5'})
changed: [master1] => (item={u'name': u'hello-http-6'})
changed: [master1] => (item={u'name': u'hello-http-7'})
changed: [master1] => (item={u'name': u'hello-http-8'})
changed: [master1] => (item={u'name': u'hello-http-9'})

TASK [check : get hello openshift pod hostnames] ******************************************************************************************************************
changed: [master1]

TASK [check : convert check_route string to json] *****************************************************************************************************************
ok: [master1]

TASK [check : set query to get pod hostname] **********************************************************************************************************************
ok: [master1]

TASK [check : get hostname list] **********************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [master1]

TASK [check : connect to route via curl] **************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [master1] => (
changed: [master1] => (
changed: [master1] => (
changed: [master1] => (
changed: [master1] => (
changed: [master1] => (
changed: [master1] => (
changed: [master1] => (
changed: [master1] => (
changed: [master1] => (

TASK [check : set json query] *************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [master1]

TASK [check : show route http response] ***************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [master1] => {
    "msg": [

TASK [check : trigger new build] **********************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [master1]

TASK [check : check new build is created] *************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [master1]

TASK [check : check if all pods with new build are running] *******************************************************************************************************
FAILED - RETRYING: check if all pods with new build are running (10 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: check if all pods with new build are running (9 retries left).
changed: [master1] => (item={u'name': u'hello-http-0'})
changed: [master1] => (item={u'name': u'hello-http-1'})
changed: [master1] => (item={u'name': u'hello-http-2'})
changed: [master1] => (item={u'name': u'hello-http-3'})
changed: [master1] => (item={u'name': u'hello-http-4'})
changed: [master1] => (item={u'name': u'hello-http-5'})
changed: [master1] => (item={u'name': u'hello-http-6'})
changed: [master1] => (item={u'name': u'hello-http-7'})
changed: [master1] => (item={u'name': u'hello-http-8'})
changed: [master1] => (item={u'name': u'hello-http-9'})

TASK [check : connect to route via curl] **************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [master1] => (
changed: [master1] => (
changed: [master1] => (
changed: [master1] => (
changed: [master1] => (
changed: [master1] => (
changed: [master1] => (
changed: [master1] => (
changed: [master1] => (
changed: [master1] => (

TASK [check : show route http response] ***************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [master1] => {
    "msg": [

TASK [check : delete test project] ********************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [master1]

TASK [check : delete temp directory] ******************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [master1]

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************************************************************************************
master1                : ok=52   changed=30   unreachable=0    failed=0

The cluster validation playbook successfully finished without errors and this is just a simple way to do a basic check of your OpenShift platform. Check out the OpenShift documentation about environment_health_checks.

Using Cumulus NetQ fabric validation with Ansible

Here a new post about Cumulus NetQ, I build a small Ansible playbook to validate the state of MLAG within a Cumulus Linux fabric using automation.

In this case I use the command “netq check clag json” to check for nodes in failed or warning state. This example can be used when doing automated changes to MLAG and to validate the configuration afterwards, or as a pre-check before I execute the main playbook.

- hosts: spine leaf
  gather_facts: False
  user: cumulus

     - name: Gather Clag info in JSON
       command: netq check clag json
       register: result
       run_once: true
       failed_when: "'ERROR' in result.stdout"

     - name: stdout string into json
       set_fact: json_output="{{result.stdout | from_json }}"
       run_once: true

     - name: output of json_output variable
         var: json_output
       run_once: true

     - name: check failed clag members
       debug: msg="Check failed clag members"
       when: json_output["failedNodes"]|length == 0
       run_once: true

     - name: clag members status failed
       fail: msg="Device {{item['node']}}, Why node is in failed state? {{item['reason']}}"
       with_items:  "{{json_output['failedNodes']}}"
       run_once: true

     - name: clag members status warning
       fail: msg="Device {{item['node']}}, Why node is in warning state? {{item['reason']}}"
       when: json_output["warningNodes"] is defined
       with_items:  "{{json_output['warningNodes']}}"
       run_once: true

Here the output when MLAG is healthy:

PLAY [spine leaf] *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Gather Clag info in JSON] *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
Friday 20 October 2017  17:56:35 +0200 (0:00:00.017)       0:00:00.017 ********
changed: [spine-1]

TASK [stdout string into json] ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
Friday 20 October 2017  17:56:35 +0200 (0:00:00.325)       0:00:00.343 ********
ok: [spine-1]

TASK [output of json_output variable] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
Friday 20 October 2017  17:56:35 +0200 (0:00:00.010)       0:00:00.353 ********
ok: [spine-1] => {
    "json_output": {
        "failedNodes": [],
        "summary": {
            "checkedNodeCount": 4,
            "failedNodeCount": 0,
            "warningNodeCount": 0

TASK [check failed clag members] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
Friday 20 October 2017  17:56:35 +0200 (0:00:00.010)       0:00:00.363 ********
ok: [spine-1] => {
    "msg": "Check failed clag members"

TASK [clag members status failed] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
Friday 20 October 2017  17:56:35 +0200 (0:00:00.011)       0:00:00.374 ********

TASK [clag members status warning] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
Friday 20 October 2017  17:56:35 +0200 (0:00:00.007)       0:00:00.382 ********
skipping: [spine-1]

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
spine-1                    : ok=4    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0

Friday 20 October 2017  17:56:35 +0200 (0:00:00.008)       0:00:00.391 ********
Gather Clag info in JSON ------------------------------------------------ 0.33s
check failed clag members ----------------------------------------------- 0.01s
stdout string into json ------------------------------------------------- 0.01s
output of json_output variable ------------------------------------------ 0.01s
clag members status warning --------------------------------------------- 0.01s
clag members status failed ---------------------------------------------- 0.01s

In the following example leaf-1 node is in warning state because of a missing “clagd-backup-ip“, another warning could be also a single attached bond interface:

PLAY [spine leaf] *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Gather Clag info in JSON] *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
Friday 20 October 2017  18:02:05 +0200 (0:00:00.016)       0:00:00.016 ********
changed: [spine-1]

TASK [stdout string into json] ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
Friday 20 October 2017  18:02:05 +0200 (0:00:00.225)       0:00:00.241 ********
ok: [spine-1]

TASK [output of json_output variable] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
Friday 20 October 2017  18:02:05 +0200 (0:00:00.010)       0:00:00.251 ********
ok: [spine-1] => {
    "json_output": {
        "failedNodes": [],
        "summary": {
            "checkedNodeCount": 4,
            "failedNodeCount": 0,
            "warningNodeCount": 1
        "warningNodes": [
                "node": "leaf-1",
                "reason": "Backup IP Failed"

TASK [check failed clag members] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
Friday 20 October 2017  18:02:05 +0200 (0:00:00.010)       0:00:00.261 ********
ok: [spine-1] => {
    "msg": "Check failed clag members"

TASK [clag members status failed] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
Friday 20 October 2017  18:02:05 +0200 (0:00:00.011)       0:00:00.273 ********

TASK [clag members status warning] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
Friday 20 October 2017  18:02:05 +0200 (0:00:00.007)       0:00:00.281 ********
failed: [spine-1] (item={u'node': u'leaf-1', u'reason': u'Backup IP Failed'}) => {"failed": true, "item": {"node": "leaf-1", "reason": "Backup IP Failed"}, "msg": "Device leaf-1, Why node is in warning state? Backup IP Failed"}

NO MORE HOSTS LEFT ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
	to retry, use: --limit @/home/berndonline/cumulus-lab-vagrant/netq_check_clag.retry

PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
spine-1                    : ok=4    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=1

Friday 20 October 2017  18:02:05 +0200 (0:00:00.015)       0:00:00.297 ********
Gather Clag info in JSON ------------------------------------------------ 0.23s
clag members status warning --------------------------------------------- 0.02s
check failed clag members ----------------------------------------------- 0.01s
output of json_output variable ------------------------------------------ 0.01s
stdout string into json ------------------------------------------------- 0.01s
clag members status failed ---------------------------------------------- 0.01s

Another example is that NetQ reports about a problem that leaf-1 has no matching clagid on peer, in this case on leaf-2 the interface bond1 is missing in the configuration:

PLAY [spine leaf] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Gather Clag info in JSON] *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
Monday 23 October 2017  18:49:15 +0200 (0:00:00.016)       0:00:00.016 ********
changed: [spine-1]

TASK [stdout string into json] **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
Monday 23 October 2017  18:49:15 +0200 (0:00:00.223)       0:00:00.240 ********
ok: [spine-1]

TASK [output of json_output variable] ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
Monday 23 October 2017  18:49:15 +0200 (0:00:00.010)       0:00:00.250 ********
ok: [spine-1] => {
    "json_output": {
        "failedNodes": [
                "node": "leaf-1",
                "reason": "Conflicted Bonds: bond1:matching clagid not configured on peer"
        "summary": {
            "checkedNodeCount": 4,
            "failedNodeCount": 1,
            "warningNodeCount": 1
        "warningNodes": [
                "node": "leaf-1",
                "reason": "Singly Attached Bonds: bond1"

TASK [check failed clag members] ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
Monday 23 October 2017  18:49:15 +0200 (0:00:00.010)       0:00:00.260 ********
skipping: [spine-1]

TASK [clag members status failed] *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
Monday 23 October 2017  18:49:15 +0200 (0:00:00.009)       0:00:00.269 ********
failed: [spine-1] (item={u'node': u'leaf-1', u'reason': u'Conflicted Bonds: bond1:matching clagid not configured on peer'}) => {"failed": true, "item": {"node": "leaf-1", "reason": "Conflicted Bonds: bond1:matching clagid not configured on peer"}, "msg": "Device leaf-1, Why node is in failed state? Conflicted Bonds: bond1:matching clagid not configured on peer"}

NO MORE HOSTS LEFT **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
	to retry, use: --limit @/home/berndonline/cumulus-lab-vagrant/netq_check_clag.retry

PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
spine-1                    : ok=3    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=1

Monday 23 October 2017  18:49:15 +0200 (0:00:00.014)       0:00:00.284 ********
Gather Clag info in JSON ------------------------------------------------ 0.22s
clag members status failed ---------------------------------------------- 0.02s
stdout string into json ------------------------------------------------- 0.01s
output of json_output variable ------------------------------------------ 0.01s
check failed clag members ----------------------------------------------- 0.01s

This is just an example to show what possibilities I have with Cumulus NetQ when I use automation to validate my changes.

There are some information in the Cumulus NetQ documentation about, taking preventive steps with your network:

Continuous Integration and Delivery for Networking with Cumulus Linux

Continuous Integration – Continuous Delivery (CICD) is becoming more and more popular for network automation but the problem is how to validate your scripts and stage the configuration because you don’t want to deploy untested code to a production system. Especially in networking that could be pretty destructive if you made a mistake which could cause a loss in connectivity.

I spend some days working on a Cumulus Linux lab using Vagrant which I use to stage configuration. You find the basic Ansible playbook and the gitlab-ci configuration for the Cumulus lab in my Github repo: cumulus-lab-provision

For the continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipeline I am using and their Gitlab-runner which is running on my server. I will not get into too much detail what is needed on the server, basically it runs vargant, libvirt (kvm), virtualbox, ansible and the gitlab-runner.

  • You need to register your Gitlab-runner with the Gitlab repository.

  • The next step is to create your .gitlab-ci.yml which defines your CI-pipeline.
    - validate ansible
    - staging
    - production
    stage: validate ansible
        - bash ./
        - git clone
        - cd cumulus-lab-vagrant/
        - python ./ ./
          -p libvirt --ansible-hostfile
    stage: staging
        - bash ../
        - git clone
        - cd cumulus-lab-vagrant/
        - python ./ ./
          -p libvirt --ansible-hostfile
    stage: production
    when: manual
        - bash ../
        - master

In the gitlab-ci you see that I clone the cumulus vagrant lab which I use to spin-up a virtual staging environment and run the Ansible playbook against the virtual lab. The production stage is in my example also a vagrant environment because I had no physical switches for testing.

  • Basically any commit or merge in the Gitlab repo triggers the pipeline which I define in the gitlab-ci.

  • You can see the details in the running job. The first stage is only to validate that the YAML files have the correct syntax.

  • Here the details of the running job of staging and when everything goes well the job succeeded.

  • The last stage is production which needs to be triggered manually.

  • After the changes run through all defined stages you see that you successfully validate, staged and deployed your configuration to a cumulus production system.

This is a complete different way of working for a network engineer but the way it goes in fully automated datacenter network environments. It gets very powerful when you combine this with the Cumulus NetQ server to validate the state of your switch fabric after you run changes in production.

The next topic I am working on, is using Cumulus NetQ to validate configuration changes.

Here again my two repositories I use:

Read my new posts about an Ansible Playbook for Cumulus Linux BGP IP-Fabric and Cumulus NetQ Validation and BGP EVPN and VXLAN with Cumulus Linux.

Ansible Playbook for Cumulus NetQ Agent Installation

Here a short Ansible script to install the Cumulus NetQ agent on Cumulus Linux switches.

- hosts: spine leaf
  remote_user: cumulus
  gather_facts: no
  become: yes
    ansible_become_pass: "CumulusLinux!"
    - name: Install cumulus-netq
      apt: name=cumulus-netq update_cache=yes state=present
      register: result

    - name: Restart Syslog service
      service: name=rsyslog state=restarted
      when: result.stdout is defined

    - pause: seconds=5

    - name: Add netq server IP addr
      command: netq config add server
      when: result.stdout is defined

    - name: Start netq-agent
      service: name=netq-agent state=restarted
      when: result.stdout is defined

Your NetQ VM needs to be reachable from the switches otherwise the command “netq add server…” will fail.

You find more information in the official Cumulus NetQ documentation:

Cumulus Networks NetQ telemetry-based validation system

I had some time to play around with the new NetQ tool from Cumulus which checks your Cumulus Linux switch fabric.

I did some testing with my Cumulus Layer 2 Fabric example: Ansible Playbook for Cumulus Linux (Layer 2 Fabric)

You need to download the NetQ VM from Cumulus as VMware or VirtualBox template: here

It is a great tool to centrally check your Cumulus switches and keep history about changes in your environment. NetQ can send out notification about changes in your fabric which is nice because you are always up-to-date what is going on in your network.

Installing NetQ agent on a Cumulus Linux Switch:

cumulus@spine-1:~$ sudo apt-get update
cumulus@spine-1:~$ sudo apt-get install cumulus-netq -y

Configuring the NetQ Agent on a switch:

cumulus@spine-1:~$ sudo systemctl restart rsyslog
cumulus@spine-1:~$ netq add server
cumulus@spine-1:~$ netq agent restart

I will write a small Ansible script in the next days to automate the agent installation and configuration.

Connect to Cumulus NetQ VM and check agent connectivity

admin@cumulus:~$ netq-shell

Welcome to Cumulus (R) NetQ Command Line Interface
TIP: Type `netq help` to get started.

netq@dc9163c7044e:/$ netq show agents
Node     Status    Sys Uptime    Agent Uptime
-------  --------  ------------  --------------
leaf-1   Fresh     1h ago        1h ago
leaf-2   Fresh     1h ago        1h ago
spine-1  Fresh     1h ago        1h ago
spine-2  Fresh     1h ago        1h ago

Basic Show Commands:

netq@dc9163c7044e:/$ netq show clag
Matching CLAG session records are:
Node             Peer             SysMac            State Backup #Links #Dual Last Changed
---------------- ---------------- ----------------- ----- ------ ------ ----- --------------
leaf-1           leaf-2(P)        44:38:39:ff:40:93 up    up     1      1     8m ago
leaf-2(P)        leaf-1           44:38:39:ff:40:93 up    up     1      1     8m ago
spine-1(P)       spine-2          44:38:39:ff:40:94 up    up     1      1     8m ago
spine-2          spine-1(P)       44:38:39:ff:40:94 up    up     1      1     9m ago
netq@dc9163c7044e:/$ netq show lldp
LLDP peer info for *:*
Node     Interface    LLDP Peer    Peer Int    Last Changed
-------  -----------  -----------  ----------  --------------
leaf-1   eth0         cumulus      eth0        1h ago
leaf-1   eth0         leaf-2       eth0        1h ago
leaf-1   eth0         spine-1      eth0        1h ago
leaf-1   eth0         spine-2      eth0        1h ago
leaf-1   swp1         spine-1      swp1        1h ago
leaf-1   swp11        leaf-2       swp11       9m ago
leaf-1   swp2         spine-2      swp1        1h ago
leaf-2   eth0         cumulus      eth0        1h ago
leaf-2   eth0         leaf-1       eth0        1h ago
leaf-2   eth0         spine-1      eth0        1h ago
leaf-2   eth0         spine-2      eth0        1h ago
leaf-2   swp1         spine-2      swp2        1h ago
leaf-2   swp11        leaf-1       swp11       8m ago
leaf-2   swp2         spine-1      swp2        1h ago
spine-1  eth0         cumulus      eth0        1h ago
spine-1  eth0         leaf-1       eth0        1h ago
spine-1  eth0         leaf-2       eth0        1h ago
spine-1  eth0         spine-2      eth0        1h ago
spine-1  swp1         leaf-1       swp1        1h ago
spine-1  swp11        spine-2      swp11       1h ago
spine-1  swp2         leaf-2       swp2        8m ago
spine-2  eth0         cumulus      eth0        1h ago
spine-2  eth0         leaf-1       eth0        1h ago
spine-2  eth0         leaf-2       eth0        1h ago
spine-2  eth0         spine-1      eth0        1h ago
spine-2  swp1         leaf-1       swp2        1h ago
spine-2  swp11        spine-1      swp11       1h ago
spine-2  swp2         leaf-2       swp1        8m ago
netq@dc9163c7044e:/$ netq show interfaces type bond
Matching interface records are:
Node             Interface        Type     State Details                     Last Changed
---------------- ---------------- -------- ----- --------------------------- --------------
leaf-1           bond1            bond     up    Slave: swp1(spine-1:swp1),  10m ago
                                                 Slave: swp2(spine-2:swp1),
                                                 VLANs:  100-199, PVID: 1,
                                                 Master: bridge, MTU: 1500
leaf-1           peerlink         bond     up    Slave: swp11(leaf-2:swp11), 10m ago
                                                 VLANs: , PVID: 0,
                                                 Master: peerlink, MTU: 1500
leaf-2           bond1            bond     up    Slave: swp1(spine-2:swp2),  10m ago
                                                 Slave: swp2(spine-1:swp2),
                                                 VLANs:  100-199, PVID: 1,
                                                 Master: bridge, MTU: 1500
leaf-2           peerlink         bond     up    Slave: swp11(leaf-1:swp11), 10m ago
                                                 VLANs: , PVID: 0,
                                                 Master: peerlink, MTU: 1500
spine-1          bond1            bond     up    Slave: swp1(leaf-1:swp1),   10m ago
                                                 Slave: swp2(leaf-2:swp2),
                                                 VLANs:  100-199, PVID: 1,
                                                 Master: bridge, MTU: 1500
spine-1          peerlink         bond     up    Slave: swp11(spine-2:swp11) 1h ago
                                                 , VLANs:  100-199,
                                                 PVID: 1, Master: bridge,
                                                 MTU: 1500
spine-2          bond1            bond     up    Slave: swp1(leaf-1:swp2),   10m ago
                                                 Slave: swp2(leaf-2:swp1),
                                                 VLANs:  100-199, PVID: 1,
                                                 Master: bridge, MTU: 1500
spine-2          peerlink         bond     up    Slave: swp11(spine-1:swp11) 1h ago
                                                 , VLANs:  100-199,
                                                 PVID: 1, Master: bridge,
                                                 MTU: 1500
netq@dc9163c7044e:/$ netq show ip routes
Matching IP route records are:
Origin Table            IP               Node             Nexthops                   Last Changed
------ ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------------------- ----------------
1      default   leaf-1           peerlink.4093              11m ago
1      default   leaf-2           peerlink.4093              11m ago
1      default   spine-1          peerlink.4094              1h ago
1      default   spine-2          peerlink.4094              1h ago
1      default   leaf-1           peerlink.4093              11m ago
1      default   spine-1          peerlink.4094              1h ago
1      default   leaf-2           peerlink.4093              11m ago
1      default   spine-2          peerlink.4094              1h ago
1      default leaf-1           eth0                       1h ago
1      default leaf-2           eth0                       1h ago
1      default spine-1          eth0                       1h ago
1      default spine-2          eth0                       1h ago
1      default spine-1          eth0                       1h ago
1      default spine-2          eth0                       1h ago
1      default leaf-1           eth0                       1h ago
1      default leaf-2           eth0                       1h ago
0      vrf-prod        spine-1          Blackhole                  1h ago
0      vrf-prod        spine-2          Blackhole                  1h ago
1      vrf-prod      spine-1          bridge.100                 1h ago
1      vrf-prod      spine-2          bridge.100                 1h ago
1      vrf-prod    spine-1          bridge.100                 1h ago
1      vrf-prod    spine-2          bridge.100                 1h ago
1      vrf-prod    spine-1          bridge.100                 1h ago
1      vrf-prod    spine-2          bridge.100                 1h ago
1      vrf-prod      spine-1          bridge.101                 1h ago
1      vrf-prod      spine-2          bridge.101                 1h ago
1      vrf-prod    spine-1          bridge.101                 1h ago
1      vrf-prod    spine-2          bridge.101                 1h ago
1      vrf-prod    spine-1          bridge.101                 1h ago
1      vrf-prod    spine-2          bridge.101                 1h ago
1      vrf-prod      spine-1          bridge.102                 1h ago
1      vrf-prod      spine-2          bridge.102                 1h ago
1      vrf-prod    spine-1          bridge.102                 1h ago
1      vrf-prod    spine-2          bridge.102                 1h ago
1      vrf-prod    spine-1          bridge.102                 1h ago
1      vrf-prod    spine-2          bridge.102                 1h ago

See Changes in Switch Fabric:

netq@dc9163c7044e:/$ netq leaf-1 show interfaces type bond
Matching interface records are:
Node             Interface        Type     State Details                     Last Changed
---------------- ---------------- -------- ----- --------------------------- --------------
leaf-1           bond1            bond     up    Slave: swp1(spine-1:swp1),  2s ago
                                                 Slave: swp2(spine-2:swp1),
                                                 VLANs:  100-199, PVID: 1,
                                                 Master: bridge, MTU: 1500
leaf-1           peerlink         bond     up    Slave: swp11(leaf-2:swp11), 21m ago
                                                 VLANs: , PVID: 0,
                                                 Master: peerlink, MTU: 1500
cumulus@leaf-1:~$ sudo ifdown bond1
netq@dc9163c7044e:/$ netq leaf-1 show interfaces type bond
Matching interface records are:
Node             Interface        Type     State Details                     Last Changed
---------------- ---------------- -------- ----- --------------------------- --------------
leaf-1           peerlink         bond     up    Slave: swp11(leaf-2:swp11), 22m ago
                                                 VLANs: , PVID: 0,
                                                 Master: peerlink, MTU: 1500
netq@dc9163c7044e:/$ netq leaf-1 show interfaces type bond changes
Matching interface records are:
Node             Interface        Type     State Details                     DbState Last Changed
---------------- ---------------- -------- ----- --------------------------- ------- --------------
leaf-1           bond1            bond     down  VLANs: , PVID: 0,           Del     21s ago
                                                 Master: bridge, MTU: 1500
leaf-1           bond1            bond     down  Slave: swp1(),              Add     21s ago
                                                 Slave: swp2(),
                                                 VLANs:  100-199, PVID: 1,
                                                 Master: bridge, MTU: 1500
leaf-1           bond1            bond     up    Slave: swp1(spine-1:swp1),  Add     1m ago
                                                 Slave: swp2(spine-2:swp1),
                                                 VLANs:  100-199, PVID: 1,
                                                 Master: bridge, MTU: 1500 

More information you can find in the Cumulus NetQ documentation: