I did some updates on my Cumulus Linux Vagrant topology and added new functions to my post about an Ansible Playbook for the Cumulus Linux BGP IP-Fabric.
To the Vagrant topology, I added 6x servers and per clag-pair, each server is connected to a VLAN and the second server is connected to a VXLAN.
Here are the links to the repositories where you find the Ansible Playbook https://github.com/berndonline/cumulus-lab-provision and the Vagrantfile https://github.com/berndonline/cumulus-lab-vagrant
In the Ansible Playbook, I added BGP EVPN and one VXLAN which spreads over all Leaf and Edge switches. VXLAN routing is happening on the Edge switches into the rest of the virtual data centre network.
Here is an example of the additional variables I added to edge-1 for BGP EVPN and VXLAN:
The VXLAN anycast IP is needed in BGP for EVPN and the same IP is shared between edge-1 and edge-2. The same is for the other leaf switches, per clag pair they share the same anycast IP address.
--- loopback: bgp_fabric: asn: 65001 router_id: neighbor: - swp51 - swp52 networks: - - - - evpn: true advertise_vni: true peerlink: bond_slaves: swp53 swp54 mtu: 9216 vlan: 4094 address: clagd_peer_ip: clagd_backup_ip: clagd_sys_mac: 44:38:39:FF:40:94 clagd_priority: 4096 bridge: ports: peerlink vxlan10201 vids: 901 201 vlans: 901: alias: edge-transit-901 vipv4: vmac: 00:00:5e:00:09:01 pipv4: 201: alias: prod-server-10201 vipv4: vmac: 00:00:00:00:02:01 pipv4: vlan_id: 201 vlan_raw_device: bridge vxlans: 10201: alias: prod-server-10201 vxlan_local_tunnelip: bridge_access: 201 bridge_learning: 'off' bridge_arp_nd_suppress: 'on'
On the Edge switches, because of VXLAN routing, you find a mapping between VXLAN 10201 to VLAN 201 which has VRR running.
I needed to do some modifications to the interfaces template interfaces_config.j2:
{% if loopback is defined %} auto lo iface lo inet loopback address {{ loopback }} {% if clagd_vxlan_anycast_ip is defined %} clagd-vxlan-anycast-ip {{ clagd_vxlan_anycast_ip }} {% endif %} {% endif %} ... {% if bridge is defined %} {% for vxlan_id, value in vxlans.items() %} auto vxlan{{ vxlan_id }} iface vxlan{{ vxlan_id }} alias {{ value.alias }} vxlan-id {{ vxlan_id }} vxlan-local-tunnelip {{ value.vxlan_local_tunnelip }} bridge-access {{ value.bridge_access }} bridge-learning {{ value.bridge_learning }} bridge-arp-nd-suppress {{ value.bridge_arp_nd_suppress }} mstpctl-bpduguard yes mstpctl-portbpdufilter yes {% endfor %} {% endif %}
There were also some modifications needed to the FRR template frr.j2 to add EVPN to the BGP configuration:
... {% if bgp_fabric.evpn is defined %} address-family ipv6 unicast neighbor fabric activate exit-address-family ! address-family l2vpn evpn neighbor fabric activate {% if bgp_fabric.advertise_vni is defined %} advertise-all-vni {% endif %} exit-address-family {% endif %} {% endif %} ...
For more detailed information about EVPN and VXLAN routing on Cumulus Linux, I recommend reading the documentation Ethernet Virtual Private Network – EVPN and VXLAN Routing.
Have fun testing the new features in my Ansible Playbook and please share your feedback.