Build Jenkins Container with Terraform and Ansible

I thought it might be interesting to show how to build a Docker container running Jenkins and tools like Terraform and Ansible. I am planning to use a Jenkins pipeline to deploy my OpenShift 3.11 example on AWS using Terraform and Ansible but more about this in the next post.

I am using the source Dockerfile from Jenkins and modified it, and added Ansible and Terraform: Below you see a few variables you might need to change depending on the version you are trying to use or where to place the volume mount. Have a look here for the latest Jenkins version:

Here is my Dockerfile:

ARG JENKINS_HOME=/var/jenkins_home
ARG JENKINS_SHA=a4335cc626c1f64da61a20174af654283d171b255a928bbacb6402a315e213d7

Let’s start and clone my Jenkins Docker repository  and run docker build:

git clone && cd ./jenkins-docker/
docker build -t berndonline/jenkins .

The docker build will take a few minutes, just wait and look out for error you might have with the build:

berndonline@lab:~/jenkins-docker$ docker build -t berndonline/jenkins .
Sending build context to Docker daemon  141.3kB
Step 1/51 : FROM openjdk:8-jdk
8-jdk: Pulling from library/openjdk
54f7e8ac135a: Pull complete
d6341e30912f: Pull complete
087a57faf949: Pull complete
5d71636fb824: Pull complete
9da6b28682cf: Pull complete
203f1094a1e2: Pull complete
ee38d9f85cf6: Pull complete
7f692fae02b6: Pull complete
eaa976dc543c: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:94bbc3357f995dd37986d8da0f079a9cd4b99969a3c729bad90f92782853dea7
Status: Downloaded newer image for openjdk:8-jdk
 ---> c14ba9d23b3a
Step 2/51 : USER root
 ---> Running in c78f75ca3d5a
Removing intermediate container c78f75ca3d5a
 ---> f2c6bb7538ea
Step 3/51 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y git curl && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
 ---> Running in 4cc857e12f50
Ign:1 stretch InRelease
Get:2 stretch/updates InRelease [94.3 kB]
Get:3 stretch-updates InRelease [91.0 kB]
Get:4 stretch Release [118 kB]
Get:5 stretch/updates/main amd64 Packages [459 kB]
Get:6 stretch Release.gpg [2434 B]
Get:7 stretch-updates/main amd64 Packages [5152 B]
Get:8 stretch/main amd64 Packages [7089 kB]
Fetched 7859 kB in 1s (5540 kB/s)
Reading package lists...
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...


Step 49/51 : ENTRYPOINT ["/sbin/tini", "--", "/usr/local/bin/"]
 ---> Running in 28da7c4bf90a
Removing intermediate container 28da7c4bf90a
 ---> f380f1a6f06f
Step 50/51 : COPY /usr/local/bin/
 ---> 82871f0df0dc
Step 51/51 : COPY /usr/local/bin/
 ---> feea9853af70
Successfully built feea9853af70
Successfully tagged berndonline/jenkins:latest

The Docker container is successfully build:

berndonline@lab:~/jenkins-docker$ docker images
REPOSITORY                  TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
berndonline/jenkins         latest              cd1742c317fa        6 days ago          1.28GB

Let’s start the Docker container:

docker run -d -v /var/jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home -p 32771:8080 -p 32770:50000 berndonline/jenkins

Quick check that the container is successfully created:

berndonline@lab:~/jenkins-docker$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                 COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                               NAMES
7073fa9c0cd4        berndonline/jenkins   "/sbin/tini -- /usr/…"   5 days ago          Up 7 seconds>8080/tcp,>50000/tcp   jenkins

Afterwards you can connect to http://<your-ip-address>:32771/ and do the initial Jenkins configuration, like changing admin password and install needed plugins. I recommend putting an Nginx reverse proxy with SSL infront to secure Jenkins properly.

So what about updates or changing the configuration? – Pretty easy; because we are using a Docker bind mount to /var/jenkins_home/, all the Jenkins related data is stored on the local file system of your server and you can re-create or re-build the container at anytime.

I hope you like this article about how to create your down Jenkins Docker container. In my next post I will create a very simple Jenkins pipeline to deploy OpenShift 3.11 on AWS using Terraform.

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