Getting started with OpenShift Container Platform

In the recent month I have spend a lot of time around networking and automation but I want to shift more towards running modern container platforms like Kubernetes or OpenShift which both are using networking services and as I have shared in one of my previous article about AVI software load balancer, it all fits nicely into networking in my opinion.

But before we start, please have a look at my previous article about Deploying OpenShift Origin Cluster using Ansible to create a small OpenShift platform for testing.

Create a bash completion file for oc commands:

[root@origin-master ~]# oc completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/oc
[root@origin-master ~]# . /etc/bash_completion.d/oc
  • Let’s start and login to OpenShift as a normal user account
[root@origin-master ~]# oc login
The server is using a certificate that does not match its hostname: x509: certificate is valid for, not
You can bypass the certificate check, but any data you send to the server could be intercepted by others.
Use insecure connections? (y/n): y

Authentication required for (openshift)
Username: demo
Login successful.

[root@origin-master ~]#

Instead of username and password use token which you can get from the web console:

oc login --token=***hash token***
  • Now create the project where we want to run our web application:
[root@origin-master ~]# oc new-project webapp
Now using project "webapp" on server "".

You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try:

    oc new-app centos/ruby-22-centos7~

to build a new example application in Ruby.
[root@origin-master ~]#

Afterwards we need to create a build configuration, in my example we use an external Dockerfile without starting the build directly:

[root@origin-master ~]#  oc new-build --name webapp-build --binary
warning: Cannot find git. Ensure that it is installed and in your path. Git is required to work with git repositories.
    * A Docker build using binary input will be created
      * The resulting image will be pushed to image stream "webapp-build:latest"
      * A binary build was created, use 'start-build --from-dir' to trigger a new build

--> Creating resources with label build=webapp-build ...
    imagestream "webapp-build" created
    buildconfig "webapp-build" created
--> Success
[root@origin-master ~]#

Create Dockerfile:

[root@origin-master ~]# vi Dockerfile

Copy and paste the line below into the Dockerfile:

FROM openshift/hello-openshift

Let’s continue and start the build from the Dockerfile we specified previously

[root@origin-master ~]#  oc start-build webapp-build --from-file=Dockerfile --follow
Uploading file "Dockerfile" as binary input for the build ...
build "webapp-build-1" started
Receiving source from STDIN as file Dockerfile
Pulling image openshift/hello-openshift ...
Step 1/3 : FROM openshift/hello-openshift
 ---> 7af3297a3fb4
Step 2/3 : ENV "OPENSHIFT_BUILD_NAME" "webapp-build-1" "OPENSHIFT_BUILD_NAMESPACE" "webapp"
 ---> Running in 422f63f69364
 ---> 2cd93085ec93
Removing intermediate container 422f63f69364
Step 3/3 : LABEL "" "webapp-build-1" "" "webapp"
 ---> Running in 0c3e6cce6f0b
 ---> cf178dda8238
Removing intermediate container 0c3e6cce6f0b
Successfully built cf178dda8238
Pushing image docker-registry.default.svc:5000/webapp/webapp-build:latest ...
Push successful
[root@origin-master ~]#

Alternatively you can directly inject the Dockerfile options in a single command and the build would start immediately:

[root@origin-master ~]#  oc new-build --name webapp-build -D $'FROM openshift/hello-openshift'
  • Create the web application
[root@origin-master ~]# oc new-app webapp-build
warning: Cannot find git. Ensure that it is installed and in your path. Git is required to work with git repositories.
--> Found image cf178dd (4 minutes old) in image stream "webapp/webapp-build" under tag "latest" for "webapp-build"

    * This image will be deployed in deployment config "webapp-build"
    * Ports 8080/tcp, 8888/tcp will be load balanced by service "webapp-build"
      * Other containers can access this service through the hostname "webapp-build"

--> Creating resources ...
    deploymentconfig "webapp-build" created
    service "webapp-build" created
--> Success
    Application is not exposed. You can expose services to the outside world by executing one or more of the commands below:
     'oc expose svc/webapp-build'
    Run 'oc status' to view your app.
[root@origin-master ~]#

As you see below, we are currently running a single pod:

[root@origin-master ~]#  oc get pod -o wide
NAME                   READY     STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE       IP            NODE
webapp-build-1-build   0/1       Completed   0          8m   origin-node-1
webapp-build-1-znk98   1/1       Running     0          3m   origin-node-1
[root@origin-master ~]#

Let’s check out endpoints and services:

[root@origin-master ~]# oc get ep
NAME           ENDPOINTS                           AGE
webapp-build,   1m
[root@origin-master ~]# oc get svc
NAME           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)             AGE
webapp-build           8080/TCP,8888/TCP   1m
[root@origin-master ~]#

Running a single pod is not great for redundancy, let’s scale out:

[root@origin-master ~]# oc scale --replicas=5 dc/webapp-build
deploymentconfig "webapp-build" scaled
[root@origin-master ~]#  oc get pod -o wide
NAME                   READY     STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE       IP            NODE
webapp-build-1-4fb98   1/1       Running     0          15s   origin-node-2
webapp-build-1-build   0/1       Completed   0          9m   origin-node-1
webapp-build-1-dw6ww   1/1       Running     0          15s   origin-node-1
webapp-build-1-lswhg   1/1       Running     0          15s   origin-node-1
webapp-build-1-z4nk9   1/1       Running     0          15s   origin-node-2
webapp-build-1-znk98   1/1       Running     0          4m   origin-node-1
[root@origin-master ~]#

We can check our endpoints and services again, and see that we have more endpoints and still one service:

[root@origin-master ~]# oc get ep
NAME           ENDPOINTS                                                        AGE
webapp-build,, + 7 more...   4m
[root@origin-master ~]# oc get svc
NAME           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)             AGE
webapp-build           8080/TCP,8888/TCP   4m
[root@origin-master ~]#

OpenShift uses an internal DNS service called SkyDNS to expose services for internal communication:

[root@origin-master ~]# dig webapp-build.webapp.svc.cluster.local

; <<>> DiG 9.9.4-RedHat-9.9.4-61.el7 <<>> webapp-build.webapp.svc.cluster.local
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 20933
;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

;webapp-build.webapp.svc.cluster.local. IN A

webapp-build.webapp.svc.cluster.local. 30 IN A

;; Query time: 1 msec
;; WHEN: Sat Jun 30 08:58:19 UTC 2018
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 71

[root@origin-master ~]#
  • Let’s expose our web application so that it is accessible from the outside world:
[root@origin-master ~]# oc expose svc webapp-build
route "webapp-build" exposed
[root@origin-master ~]#

Connect with a browser to the URL you see under routes:

Modify the WebApp and inject variables via a config map into our application:

[root@origin-master ~]# oc create configmap webapp-map --from-literal=RESPONSE="My first OpenShift WebApp"
configmap "webapp-map" created
[root@origin-master ~]#

Afterwards we need to add the previously created config map to our environment

[root@origin-master ~]# oc env dc/webapp-build --from=configmap/webapp-map
deploymentconfig "webapp-build" updated
[root@origin-master ~]#

Now when we check our web application again you see that the new variables are injected into the pod and displayed:

I will share more about running OpenShift Container Platform and my experience in the coming month. I hope you find this article useful and please share your feedback and leave a comment.

Ansible Playbook to deploy AVI Controller and Service Engines

After my first blog post about Software defined Load Balancing with AVI Networks, here is how to automatically deploy AVI controller and services engines via Ansible.

Here are the links to my repositories; AVI Vagrant environment: and AVI Ansible Playbook:

Make sure that your vagrant environment is running,

berndonline@lab:~/avi-lab-vagrant$ vagrant status
Current machine states:

avi-controller-1          running (libvirt)
avi-controller-2          running (libvirt)
avi-controller-3          running (libvirt)
avi-se-1                  running (libvirt)
avi-se-2                  running (libvirt)

This environment represents multiple VMs. The VMs are all listed
above with their current state. For more information about a specific
VM, run `vagrant status NAME`.

I needed to modify the ansible.cfg to integrate a filter plugin:

inventory = ./.vagrant/provisioners/ansible/inventory/vagrant_ansible_inventory

library = /home/berndonline/avi-lab-provision/lib
filter_plugins = /home/berndonline/avi-lab-provision/lib/filter_plugins

The controller installation is actually very simple and I got it from the official AVI ansible role they created, I added a second role to check ones the controller nodes are successfully booted:

- hosts: avi-controller
  user: '{{ ansible_ssh_user }}'
  gather_facts: "true"
    - {role: ansible-role-avicontroller, become: true}
    - {role: avi-post-controller, become: false}

There’s one important thing to know before we run the playbook. When you have an AVI subscription you get custom container images with a predefined default password which makes it easier for you to do the cluster setup fully automated. You find the default password variable in group_vars/all.yml there you set as well if the password should be changed.

Let’s execute the ansible playbook, it takes a bit time for the three nodes to boot up:

berndonline@lab:~/avi-lab-vagrant$ ansible-playbook ../avi-lab-provision/playbooks/avi-controller-install.yml

PLAY [avi-controller] *********************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [avi-controller-3]
ok: [avi-controller-2]
ok: [avi-controller-1]

TASK [ansible-role-avicontroller : Avi Controller | Deployment] ***************************************************************************************************
included: /home/berndonline/avi-lab-provision/roles/ansible-role-avicontroller/tasks/docker/main.yml for avi-controller-1, avi-controller-2, avi-controller-3

TASK [ansible-role-avicontroller : Avi Controller | Services | systemd | Check if Avi Controller installed] *******************************************************
included: /home/berndonline/avi-lab-provision/roles/ansible-role-avicontroller/tasks/docker/services/systemd/check.yml for avi-controller-1, avi-controller-2, avi-controller-3

TASK [ansible-role-avicontroller : Avi Controller | Check if Avi Controller installed] ****************************************************************************
ok: [avi-controller-3]
ok: [avi-controller-2]
ok: [avi-controller-1]

TASK [ansible-role-avicontroller : Avi Controller | Services | init.d | Check if Avi Controller installed] ********************************************************
skipping: [avi-controller-1]
skipping: [avi-controller-2]
skipping: [avi-controller-3]

TASK [ansible-role-avicontroller : Avi Controller | Check minimum requirements] ***********************************************************************************
included: /home/berndonline/avi-lab-provision/roles/ansible-role-avicontroller/tasks/docker/requirements.yml for avi-controller-1, avi-controller-2, avi-controller-3

TASK [ansible-role-avicontroller : Avi Controller | Requirements | Check for docker] ******************************************************************************
ok: [avi-controller-2]
ok: [avi-controller-3]
ok: [avi-controller-1]


TASK [avi-post-controller : wait for cluster nodes up] ************************************************************************************************************
FAILED - RETRYING: wait for cluster nodes up (30 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: wait for cluster nodes up (30 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: wait for cluster nodes up (30 retries left).


FAILED - RETRYING: wait for cluster nodes up (7 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: wait for cluster nodes up (8 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: wait for cluster nodes up (7 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: wait for cluster nodes up (7 retries left).
ok: [avi-controller-2]
ok: [avi-controller-3]
ok: [avi-controller-1]

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************************************************************************************
avi-controller-1           : ok=36   changed=6    unreachable=0    failed=0
avi-controller-2           : ok=35   changed=5    unreachable=0    failed=0
avi-controller-3           : ok=35   changed=5    unreachable=0    failed=0


We are not finished yet and need to set basic settings like NTP and DNS, and need to configure the AVI three node controller cluster with another playbook:

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
    - {role: avi-cluster-setup, become: false}
    - {role: avi-change-password, become: false, when: avi_change_password == true}

The first role uses the REST API to do the configuration changes and requires the AVI ansible sdk role and for these reason it is very useful using the custom subscription images because you know the default password otherwise you need to modify the main setup.json file.

Let’s run the AVI cluster setup playbook:

berndonline@lab:~/avi-lab-vagrant$ ansible-playbook ../avi-lab-provision/playbooks/avi-cluster-setup.yml

PLAY [localhost] **************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [ansible-role-avisdk : Checking if avisdk python library is present] *****************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": "Please make sure avisdk is installed via pip. 'pip install avisdk --upgrade'"

TASK [avi-cluster-setup : set AVI dns and ntp facts] **************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [avi-cluster-setup : set AVI cluster facts] ******************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [avi-cluster-setup : configure ntp and dns controller nodes] *************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost]

TASK [avi-cluster-setup : configure AVI cluster] ******************************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost]

TASK [avi-cluster-setup : wait for cluster become active] *********************************************************************************************************
FAILED - RETRYING: wait for cluster become active (30 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: wait for cluster become active (29 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: wait for cluster become active (28 retries left).


FAILED - RETRYING: wait for cluster become active (14 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: wait for cluster become active (13 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: wait for cluster become active (12 retries left).
ok: [localhost]

TASK [avi-change-password : change default admin password on cluster build when subscription] *********************************************************************
skipping: [localhost]

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=7    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0


We can check in the web console to see if the cluster is booted and correctly setup:

Last but not least we need the ansible playbook for the AVI service engines installation which relies on the official AVI ansible se role:

- hosts: avi-se
  user: '{{ ansible_ssh_user }}'
  gather_facts: "true"
    - {role: ansible-role-avise, become: true}

Let’s run the playbook for the service engines installation:

berndonline@lab:~/avi-lab-vagrant$ ansible-playbook ../avi-lab-provision/playbooks/avi-se-install.yml

PLAY [avi-se] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [avi-se-2]
ok: [avi-se-1]

TASK [ansible-role-avisdk : Checking if avisdk python library is present] *****************************************************************************************
ok: [avi-se-1] => {
    "msg": "Please make sure avisdk is installed via pip. 'pip install avisdk --upgrade'"
ok: [avi-se-2] => {
    "msg": "Please make sure avisdk is installed via pip. 'pip install avisdk --upgrade'"

TASK [ansible-role-avise : Avi SE | Set facts] ********************************************************************************************************************
skipping: [avi-se-1]
skipping: [avi-se-2]

TASK [ansible-role-avise : Avi SE | Deployment] *******************************************************************************************************************
included: /home/berndonline/avi-lab-provision/roles/ansible-role-avise/tasks/docker/main.yml for avi-se-1, avi-se-2

TASK [ansible-role-avise : Avi SE | Check minimum requirements] ***************************************************************************************************
included: /home/berndonline/avi-lab-provision/roles/ansible-role-avise/tasks/docker/requirements.yml for avi-se-1, avi-se-2

TASK [ansible-role-avise : Avi SE | Requirements | Check for docker] **********************************************************************************************
ok: [avi-se-2]
ok: [avi-se-1]

TASK [ansible-role-avise : Avi SE | Requirements | Set facts] *****************************************************************************************************
ok: [avi-se-1]
ok: [avi-se-2]

TASK [ansible-role-avise : Avi SE | Requirements | Validate Parameters] *******************************************************************************************
ok: [avi-se-1] => {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "All assertions passed"
ok: [avi-se-2] => {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "All assertions passed"


TASK [ansible-role-avise : Avi SE | Services | systemd | Start the service since it's not running] ****************************************************************
changed: [avi-se-1]
changed: [avi-se-2]

RUNNING HANDLER [ansible-role-avise : Avi SE | Services | systemd | Daemon reload] ********************************************************************************
ok: [avi-se-2]
ok: [avi-se-1]

RUNNING HANDLER [ansible-role-avise : Avi SE | Services | Restart the avise service] ******************************************************************************
changed: [avi-se-2]
changed: [avi-se-1]

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************************************************************************************
avi-se-1                   : ok=47   changed=7    unreachable=0    failed=0
avi-se-2                   : ok=47   changed=7    unreachable=0    failed=0


After a few minutes you see the AVI service engines automatically register on the controller cluster and you are ready start configuring the detailed load balancing configuration:

Please share your feedback and leave a comment.

Software defined Load Balancing with AVI Networks

Throughout my career I have used various load balancing platforms, from commercial products like F5 or Citrix NetScaler to open source software like HA proxy. All of them do their job of balancing traffic between servers but the biggest problem is the scalability: yes you can deploy more load balancers but the config is static bound to the appliance.

AVI Networks has a very interesting concept of moving away from the traditional idea of load balancing and solving this problem by decoupling the control-plane from the data-plane which makes the load balancing Service Engines basically just forward traffic and can be more easily scaled-out when needed. Another nice advantage is that these Service Engines are container based and can run on basically every type of infrastructure from Bare Metal, on VMs to modern containerized platforms like Kubernetes or OpenShift:

All the AVI components are running as container image on any type of infrastructure or platform architecture which makes the deployment very easy to run on-premise or cloud systems.

The Service Engines on Hypervisor or Base-metal servers need network cards which support Intel’s DPDK for better packet forwarding. Have a look at the AVI linux server deployment guide:

Here now, is a basic step-by-step guide on how to install the AVI Vantage Controller and additional Service Engines. Have a look at the AVI Knowledge-Base where the install is explained in detail:

Here is the link to my Vagrant environment:

Let’s start with the manual AVI Controller installation:

[vagrant@localhost ~]$ sudo ./
AviVantage Version Tag: 17.2.11-9014
Found disk with largest capacity at [/]

Welcome to Avi Initialization Script

Pre-requisites: This script assumes the below utilities are installed:
                  docker (yum -y install docker/apt-get install
Supported Vers: OEL - 6.5,6.7,6.9,7.0,7.1,7.2,7.3,7.4 Centos/RHEL - 7.0,7.1,7.2,7.3,7.4, Ubuntu - 14.04,16.04

Do you want to run Avi Controller on this Host [y/n] y
Do you want to run Avi SE on this Host [y/n] n
Enter The Number Of Cores For Avi Controller. Range [4, 4] 4
Please Enter Memory (in GB) for Avi Controller. Range [12, 7]
Please enter directory path for Avi Controller Config (Default [/opt/avi/controller/data/])
Please enter disk size (in GB) for Avi Controller Config (Default [30G]) 10
Do you have separate partition for Avi Controller Metrics ? If yes, please enter directory path, else leave it blank
Do you have separate partition for Avi Controller Client Logs ? If yes, please enter directory path, else leave it blank
Please enter Controller IP (Default [])
Enter the Controller SSH port. (Default [5098])
Enter the Controller system-internal portal port. (Default [8443])
AviVantage Version Tag: 17.2.11-9014
AviVantage Version Tag: 17.2.11-9014
Run SE           : No
Run Controller   : Yes
Controller Cores : 4
Memory(GB)       : 7
Disk(GB)         : 10
Controller IP    :
Disabling Avi Services...
Loading Avi CONTROLLER Image. Please Wait..
Installation Successful. Starting Services..
[vagrant@localhost ~]$
[vagrant@localhost ~]$ sudo systemctl start avicontroller

Or as a single command without interactive mode:

[vagrant@localhost ~]$ sudo ./ -c -cd 10 -cc 4 -cm 7 -i
AviVantage Version Tag: 17.2.11-9014
Found disk with largest capacity at [/]
AviVantage Version Tag: 17.2.11-9014
AviVantage Version Tag: 17.2.11-9014
Run SE           : No
Run Controller   : Yes
Controller Cores : 4
Memory(GB)       : 7
Disk(GB)         : 10
Controller IP    :
Disabling Avi Services...
Loading Avi CONTROLLER Image. Please Wait..
Installation Successful. Starting Services..
[vagrant@localhost ~]$
[vagrant@localhost ~]$ sudo systemctl start avicontroller

The installer basically installed a container image on the server which runs the AVI Controller:

[vagrant@localhost ~]$ sudo docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                                 COMMAND                  CREATED              STATUS              PORTS                                                                                                                                    NAMES
c689435f74fd        avinetworks/controller:17.2.11-9014                   "/opt/avi/scripts/do…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute>80/tcp,>443/tcp,>5054/tcp,>5098/tcp,>8443/tcp,>161/udp   avicontroller
[vagrant@localhost ~]$

Next you can connect via the web console to change the password and finalise the configuration to configure DNS, NTP and SMTP:

When you get to the menu Orchestrator integration you can put in the details for the controller to install additional service engines:

In the meantime the AVI Controller installs the specified Service Engines in the background, which automatically appear once this is completed under the infrastructure menu:

Like with the AVI Controller, the Service Engines run as container image:

[vagrant@localhost ~]$ sudo docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                         COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
2c6b207ed376        avinetworks/se:17.2.11-9014                   "/opt/avi/scripts/do…"   51 seconds ago      Up 50 seconds                           avise
[vagrant@localhost ~]$

The next article will be about automatically deploying the AVI Controller and Service Engines via Ansible, and looking into how to integrate AVI with OpenShift.

Please share your feedback and leave a comment.

VMware NSX-T 2.0 First Impression

Over the past two days I spend some time with VMware NSX-T 2.0 which has multi-hypervisor (KVM and ESXi) support, and is for containerised platform environments like Kubernetes and RedHat OpenShift. VMware has as well an NSX-T cloud version which can run in Amazon AWS and Google cloud services.

First big change is the new HTML5 web client which looks nice and clean, the menu structure is different to NSX-V for vSphere which you have to get used to first. NSX-V will also get the new HTML5 web clients soon I have heard:

VMware did quite a few changes in NSX-T, they moved over to Geneve and replaced the VXLAN encapsulation which is currently used in NSX-V. That makes it impossible at the moment to connect NSX-V and NSX-T because of the different overlay technologies.

Routing works different to the previous NSX for vSphere version having Tier 0 (edge/aggregation) and Tier 1 (tenant) routers. Previously in NSX-V you used Edge appliances as tenant router which is now replace with Tier 1 distributed routing. On the Tier 1 tenant router you don’t need to configure BGP anymore, you just specify to advertise connected routes, the connection between Tier 1 and Tier 0 also pushed down the default gateway.

The Edge appliance can be deployed as virtual machine or on Bare-Metal servers which makes the Transport Zoning different to NSX-V because Edge appliances need to be part of Transport Zones to connect to the overlay and physical VLAN:

On the Edge itself you have two functions, Distributed Routing (DR) for stateless forwarding and Service Routing (SR) for stateful forwarding like NAT:

Load balancing is currently missing  in the Edge appliance but this is coming in one of the next releases for NSX-T.

Here a network design with Tier 0 and Tier 1 routing in NSX-T:

I will write another post in the coming weeks about the detailed routing configuration in NSX-T. I am also curious to integrate Kubernetes in NSX-T to try out the integration for containerise platform environments.