Build Ansible Tower Container

After creating my Jenkins container I thought it would be fun to run Ansible Tower in a container so I created a simple Dockerfile. First you need find out the latest Ansible Tower version: and update the version variable in the Dockerfile.

Here is my Dockerfile:


The passwords can be changed in the inventory file:


Let’s start by building the container:

git clone && cd ansible-tower-docker/
docker build -t berndonline/ansible-tower .

The docker build will take a few minutes, just wait and look out for errors you might have in the build:

berndonline@lab:~$ git clone
Cloning into 'ansible-tower-docker'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 17, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (17/17), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (11/11), done.
remote: Total 17 (delta 4), reused 14 (delta 4), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (17/17), done.
berndonline@lab:~$ cd ansible-tower-docker/
berndonline@lab:~/ansible-tower-docker$ docker build -t berndonline/ansible-tower .
Sending build context to Docker daemon  87.04kB
Step 1/31 : FROM ubuntu:16.04
16.04: Pulling from library/ubuntu
7b8b6451c85f: Pull complete
ab4d1096d9ba: Pull complete
e6797d1788ac: Pull complete
e25c5c290bde: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:e547ecaba7d078800c358082088e6cc710c3affd1b975601792ec701c80cdd39
Status: Downloaded newer image for ubuntu:16.04
 ---> a51debf7e1eb
Step 2/31 : USER root
 ---> Running in cf5d606130cc
Removing intermediate container cf5d606130cc
 ---> d5b11ed84885
Step 3/31 : WORKDIR /opt
 ---> Running in 1e6703cec6db
Removing intermediate container 1e6703cec6db
 ---> 045cf04ebc1d
Step 4/31 : ARG ANSIBLE_TOWER_VER=3.3.1-1
 ---> Running in 6d65bfe370d4
Removing intermediate container 6d65bfe370d4
 ---> d75c246c3a5c
Step 5/31 : ARG PG_DATA=/var/lib/postgresql/9.6/main
 ---> Running in e8856051aa92
Removing intermediate container e8856051aa92
 ---> 02e6d7593df8


PLAY [Install Tower isolated node(s)] ******************************************
skipping: no hosts matched

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=125  changed=64   unreachable=0    failed=0

The setup process completed successfully.
Setup log saved to /var/log/tower/setup-2018-11-21-20:21:37.log
Removing intermediate container ad6401292444
 ---> 8f1eb28f16cb
Step 27/31 : ADD /
 ---> 8503e666ce9c
Step 28/31 : RUN chmod +x /
 ---> Running in 8b5ca24a320a
Removing intermediate container 8b5ca24a320a
 ---> 60810dc2a4e3
Step 29/31 : VOLUME ["${PG_DATA}", "${AWX_PROJECTS}","/certs"]
 ---> Running in d836e5455bd5
Removing intermediate container d836e5455bd5
 ---> 3968430a1814
Step 30/31 : EXPOSE 80
 ---> Running in 9a72815e365b
Removing intermediate container 9a72815e365b
 ---> 3613ced2a80c
Step 31/31 : ENTRYPOINT ["/", "ansible-tower"]
 ---> Running in 4611a90aff1a
Removing intermediate container 4611a90aff1a
 ---> ce89ea0753d4
Successfully built ce89ea0753d4
Successfully tagged berndonline/ansible-tower:latest

Continue to create a Docker Volume container to store the Postgres database:

sudo docker create -v /var/lib/postgresql/9.6/main --name tower-data berndonline/ansible-tower /bin/true

Start the Ansible Tower Docker container:

sudo docker run -d -p 32456:80 --volumes-from tower-data --name ansible-tower --privileged --restart berndonline/ansible-tower

Afterwards you can connect to http://<your-ip-address>:32456/ and import your Tower license. Ansible provides a free 10 node license which you can request here:

The Ansible Tower playbook installs an Nginx reverse proxy and you can enable SSL by setting the variable nginx_disable_https to false in the inventory file, and publish the container via 443 instead of 80.

Please share your feedback and leave a comment.

Automate Ansible AWX configuration using Tower-CLI

Some time has gone by since my article about Getting started with Ansible AWX (Open Source Tower version) , and I wanted to continue focusing on AWX and show how to automate the configuration of an AWX Tower server.

Before we configure AWX we should install the tower-cli. You can find more information about the Tower CLI here: I also recommend having a look at the tower-cli documentation:

sudo pip install ansible-tower-cli

The tower-cli is very useful when you want to monitor the running jobs. The web console is not that great when it comes to large playbook and is pretty slow at showing the running job state. See below the basic configuration before you start using the tower-cli:

berndonline@lab:~$ tower-cli config host
Configuration updated successfully.
berndonline@lab:~$ tower-cli login admin
 "id": 1,
 "type": "o_auth2_access_token",
 "url": "/api/v2/tokens/1/",
 "created": "2018-09-15T17:41:23.942572Z",
 "modified": "2018-09-15T17:41:23.955795Z",
 "description": "Tower CLI",
 "user": 1,
 "refresh_token": null,
 "application": null,
 "expires": "3018-01-16T17:41:23.937872Z",
 "scope": "write"
Configuration updated successfully.

But now let’s continue and show how we can use the tower-cli to configure and monitor Ansible AWX Tower.

Create a project:

tower-cli project create --name "My Project" --description "My project description" --organization "Default" --scm-type "git" --scm-url ""

Create an inventory:

tower-cli inventory create --name "My Inventory" --organization "Default"

Add hosts to an inventory:

tower-cli host create --name "localhost" --inventory "My Inventory" --variables "ansible_connection: local"

Create credentials:

tower-cli credential create --name "My Credential" --credential-type "Machine" --user "admin"

Create a Project Job Template:

tower-cli job_template create --name "My Job Template" --project "My Project" --inventory "My Inventory" --job-type "run" --credential "My Credential" --playbook "hello_world.yml" --verbosity "default"

After we successfully created everything let’s now run the job template and monitor the output via the tower-cli:

tower-cli job launch --job-template "My Job Template"
tower-cli job monitor <ID>

Command line output:

berndonline@lab:~$ tower-cli job launch --job-template "My Job Template"
Resource changed.
== ============ =========================== ======= =======
id job_template           created           status  elapsed
== ============ =========================== ======= =======
26           15 2018-10-12T12:22:48.599748Z pending 0.0
== ============ =========================== ======= =======
berndonline@lab:~$ tower-cli job monitor 26
------Starting Standard Out Stream------

PLAY [Hello World Sample] ******************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [Hello Message] ***********************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": "Hello World!"

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0

------End of Standard Out Stream--------
Resource changed.
== ============ =========================== ========== =======
id job_template           created             status   elapsed
== ============ =========================== ========== =======
26           15 2018-10-12T12:22:48.599748Z successful 8.861
== ============ =========================== ========== =======

With the tower-cli commands we can write a simple playbook using the Ansible Shell module.

Playbook site.yml:

- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: 'no'

    - name: Add tower project
      shell: |
        tower-cli project create \
        --name "My Project" \
        --description "My project description" \
        --organization "Default" \
        --scm-type "git" \
        --scm-url ""

    - name: Add tower inventory
      shell: |
        tower-cli inventory create \
        --name "My Inventory" \
        --organization "Default"

    - name: Add host to inventory
      shell: |
        tower-cli host create \
        --name "localhost" \
        --inventory "My Inventory" \
        --variables "ansible_connection: local"
    - name: Add credential
      shell: |
        tower-cli credential create \
        --name "My Credential" \
        --credential-type "Machine" \
        --user "admin"
    - name: wait 15 seconds to pull project SCM content
      wait_for: timeout=15
      delegate_to: localhost
    - name: Add job template
      shell: |
        tower-cli job_template create \
        --name "My Job Template" \
        --project "My Project" \
        --inventory "My Inventory" \
        --job-type "run" \
        --credential "My Credential" \
        --playbook "hello_world.yml" \
        --verbosity "default"

Let’s run the playbook:

berndonline@lab:~/awx-provision$ ansible-playbook site.yml

PLAY [localhost] **************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Add tower project] ******************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost]

TASK [Add tower inventory] ****************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost]

TASK [Add host to inventory] **************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost]

TASK [Add credential] *********************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost]

TASK [wait 15 seconds to pull project SCM content] ****************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost -> localhost]

TASK [Add job template] *******************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost]

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost : ok=6 changed=5 unreachable=0 failed=0


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