Cumulus Linux Ethernet link-state monitoring using ifplugd

This blog post is about link-state monitoring under Cumulus Linux. Cumulus has no own builtin tool for this and recommends using ifplugd. The tool has some similarities to Cisco’s IP SLA which can track the state of interfaces. The main reason to use ifplugd is for split-brain scenarios, when you lose the peerlink between Cumulus …

Cumulus Linux non-disruptive upgrade procedure on MLAG pairs

I thought it would be useful to know the exact procedure for non-disruptive upgrade on Cumulus Linux MLAG – CLAG pairs. I find the online documentation Upgrading Cumulus Linux a bit short when it comes to running CLAG in what order you have to upgrade the switches with a minimal disruption of traffic.. The following procedure below …

Continuous Integration and Delivery for Networking with Cumulus Linux

Continuous Integration – Continuous Delivery (CICD) is becoming more and more popular for network automation but the problem is how to validate your scripts and stage the configuration because you don’t want to deploy untested code to a production system. Especially in networking that could be pretty destructive if you made a mistake which could cause …