Testing at the moment identity firewalling with a Cisco ASA for a new office network infrastructure.
From the configuration everything is straight forward and easy to set-up:
1. Configure AAA LDAP Server
aaa-server addomain.net protocol ldap aaa-server addomain.net (INSIDE) host ldap-base-dn DC=addomain,DC=net ldap-group-base-dn DC=addomin,DC=net ldap-scope subtree server-type microsoft server-port 389 ldap-login-dn *username* ldap-login-password *password* exit
If you use ldap over SSL you need to enable it and change the server port!
2. Configure Windows Cisco AD Agent
Install the Cisco AD Agent on one of your Windows Servers, not the Domain Controller if you also want to use NPS!
adacfg client create –name ASA5515 –ip –secret secretpresharedkey adacfg dc create -name DC01 -host DC01.addomain.net -domain addomain.net -user Administrator -password *password*
2.1 Check Windows AD Agent Configuration
C:\IBF\CLI\adactrl.exe show running C:\IBF\CLI\adacfg.exe client list C:\IBF\CLI\adacfg.exe dc list
3 Configure AG Agent on the ASA
aaa-server adagent protocol radius ad-agent-mode aaa-server adagent (INSIDE) host key secretpresharedkey user-identity ad-agent aaa-server adagent
4. Configure Identity option on the ASA
user-identity domain ADDOMAIN aaa-server addomain.net user-identity default-domain ADDOMAIN
5. Example Object and Access List Configuration
object-group user USERNAME user ADDOMAIN\user1 exit object-group user GROUPNAME user-group ADDOMAIN\IT-ADMINs exit access-list INSIDE-IN extended permit ip user ADDOMAIN\user1 any host access-list INSIDE-IN extended permit ip user-group ADDOMAIN\\ADMINs any host access-list INSIDE-IN extended permit ip object-group-user GROUPNAME any host
More information about how to configure identity firewalling you find here: Configuring the Identity Firewall