Terraform CloudFlare Provider Example

This is a short article on how to create DNS records on your CloudFlare DNS zone using Terraform. I have used this in new coming article about OpenShift 3.11 on AWS. You can check out the cloudflare.tf example on my Github repository: https://github.com/berndonline/openshift-terraform/blob/aws-dev/cloudflare.tf

In the cloudflare_record configuration, the variables of the AWS ALB dns names are under resource values. This means, Terraform will start with deploying  the AWS infrastructure and create’s afterwards the specified DNS records on the CloudFlare DNS zone.

provider "cloudflare" {
  email = "[email protected]"
  token = "***YOUR-API-TOKEN***"
variable "domain" {
  default = "domain.com"
resource "cloudflare_record" "console-paas" {
  domain  = "${var.domain}"
  name    = "console-paas"
  value   = "${aws_lb.master_alb.dns_name}"
  type    = "CNAME"
  proxied = false
resource "cloudflare_record" "wildcard-paas" {
  domain  = "${var.domain}"
  name    = "*.paas"
  value   = "${aws_lb.infra_alb.dns_name}"
  type    = "CNAME"
  proxied = false

If you verify this on the CloudFlare web console, you see that Terraform created two DNS record’s and pointing to the AWS ALB dns name:

When you run terraform destroy the two DNS records will be automatically removed.

I recommend having a look at the great articles on the CloudFlare blog:



Common DNS errors

Something a bit different now from what I posting normally, this time about common DNS errors.

One of colleagues tried to configure basic DNS load balancing over two web platforms but instead of using two A records he were using one A record and one CNAME. Ones that was configured the problems started because some DNS server (google DNS cache) were only replying with the IP of the configured CNAME, other DNS servers from service providers were replying with nothing.

Bind per default would only add the CNAME into the configuration and ignore all other records but my colleague were using TinyDNS so I cannot say if TinyDNS load the configuration with both CNAME and A records. But the main reason of the problems was that the DNS configuration got inconsistent and the RFC for common DNS errors explained it very clearly:

A CNAME record is not allowed to coexist with any other data.  In other words, if suzy.podunk.xx is an alias for sue.podunk.xx, you can't also have an MX record for suzy.podunk.edu, or an A record, or even a TXT record.

Have a look at the RFC about common DNS errors, very interesting!

From my side I would have used GSLB (Global Server Load Balancing) and not basic DNS round-robin 😉

NetScaler Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) Configuration

Bin some month since I started working with Citrix NetScaler and so far I really like the NetScaler. I will not go into the deep how Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) works and only explain my configuration. I use Exchange OWA as an example for GSLB, I will also not explain how to set-up a virtual server for Exchange OWA, please have a look at my previous blog post: NetScaler Exchange 2013 Load Balancing.

In my configuration I will use the same GSLB virtual server for internal and external access to Exchange OWA. The NetScaler see’s if you are coming from the internal network and give you a private IP address back, or when you are external you get a public IP address back for the same DNS entry.

Internal GSLB

External GSLB

Before you start you have to delegate a Subdomains in Microsoft DNS or BIND for Global Server Load Balancing on a NetScaler Appliance, more information how to do that you find here: http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX121713


Enable GSLB on the NetScaler in location A and configure sites and ADNS service

enable ns feature GSLB

add gslb site site-A
add gslb site site-B

set ns rpcNode -password ***key*** -srcIP * -secure YES
set ns rpcNode -password ***key*** -srcIP * -secure YES

add service service-ADNS_53 ADNS 53 -gslb NONE -maxClient 0 -maxReq 0 -cip DISABLED -usip YES -useproxyport NO -sp OFF -cltTimeout 120 -svrTimeout 120 -CustomServerID "\"None\"" -CKA NO -TCPB NO -CMP NO
add service service-ADNS_TCP53 ADNS_TCP 53 -gslb NONE -maxClient 0 -maxReq 0 -cip DISABLED -usip YES -useproxyport YES -sp OFF -cltTimeout 180 -svrTimeout 360 -CustomServerID "\"None\"" -CKA NO -TCPB NO -CMP NO

add dns addRec ns01-a.gslb.domain.com
add dns soaRec gslb.domain.com -originServer ns01-a.gslb.domain.com -contact hostmaster.gslb.domain.com 
add dns nsRec gslb.domain.com ns01-a.gslb.domain.com -TTL 300 
add dns addRec ns01-a.gslb.domain.com add dns zone gslb.domain.com -proxyMode NO


Enable GSLB on the NetScaler in location B and configure sites and ADNS service

enable ns feature GSLB

add gslb site site-A
add gslb site site-B

set ns rpcNode -password ***key*** -srcIP * -secure YES
set ns rpcNode -password ***key*** -srcIP * -secure YES

add service service-ADNS_53 ADNS 53 -gslb NONE -maxClient 0 -maxReq 0 -cip DISABLED -usip YES -useproxyport NO -sp OFF -cltTimeout 120 -svrTimeout 120 -CustomServerID "\"None\"" -CKA NO -TCPB NO -CMP NO
add service service-ADNS_TCP53 ADNS_TCP 53 -gslb NONE -maxClient 0 -maxReq 0 -cip DISABLED -usip YES -useproxyport YES -sp OFF -cltTimeout 180 -svrTimeout 360 -CustomServerID "\"None\"" -CKA NO -TCPB NO -CMP NO

add dns addRec ns01-b.gslb.domain.com
add dns soaRec gslb.domain.com -originServer ns01-b.gslb.domain.com -contact hostmaster.gslb.domain.com 
add dns nsRec gslb.domain.com ns01-b.gslb.domain.com -TTL 300 
add dns addRec ns01-b.gslb.domain.com add dns zone gslb.domain.com -proxyMode NO


Configure GSLB service and virtual server in location A

add server vserver-EXCHANGE-OWA-A
add server vserver-EXCHANGE-OWA-B

add gslb vserver vserver-GSLB-EXCHANGE-OWA SSL -backupLBMethod ROUNDROBIN -tolerance 0 -EDR ENABLED -appflowLog DISABLED
set gslb vserver vserver-GSLB-EXCHANGE-OWA -backupLBMethod ROUNDROBIN -tolerance 0 -EDR ENABLED -appflowLog DISABLED

add gslb service service-GSLB-EXCHANGE-OWA-A_443 vserver-EXCHANGE-OWA-A SSL 443 -publicIP -publicPort 443 -maxClient 0 -siteName site-A -cltTimeout 180 -svrTimeout 360 -downStateFlush DISABLED
add gslb service service-GSLB-EXCHANGE-OWA-B_443 vserver-EXCHANGE-OWA-B SSL 443 -publicIP -publicPort 443 -maxClient 0 -siteName site-B -cltTimeout 180 -svrTimeout 360 -downStateFlush DISABLED

bind gslb vserver vserver-GSLB-EXCHANGE-OWA_443 -serviceName service-GSLB-EXCHANGE-OWA-A_443
bind gslb vserver vserver-GSLB-EXCHANGE-OWA_443 -serviceName service-GSLB-EXCHANGE-OWA-B_443
bind gslb vserver vserver-GSLB-EXCHANGE-OWA_443 -domainName owa.gslb.domain.com -TTL 5 -sitedomainTTL 300
bind gslb service service-GSLB-EXCHANGE-OWA-D_443 -monitorName https
bind gslb service service-GSLB-EXCHANGE-OWA-C_443 -monitorName https


Configure GSLB service and virtual server in location B

add server vserver-EXCHANGE-OWA-A
add server vserver-EXCHANGE-OWA-B

add gslb vserver vserver-GSLB-EXCHANGE-OWA SSL -backupLBMethod ROUNDROBIN -tolerance 0 -EDR ENABLED -appflowLog DISABLED
set gslb vserver vserver-GSLB-EXCHANGE-OWA -backupLBMethod ROUNDROBIN -tolerance 0 -EDR ENABLED -appflowLog DISABLED

add gslb service service-GSLB-EXCHANGE-OWA-A_443 vserver-EXCHANGE-OWA-A SSL 443 -publicIP -publicPort 443 -maxClient 0 -siteName site-A -cltTimeout 180 -svrTimeout 360 -downStateFlush DISABLED
add gslb service service-GSLB-EXCHANGE-OWA-B_443 vserver-EXCHANGE-OWA-B SSL 443 -publicIP -publicPort 443 -maxClient 0 -siteName site-B -cltTimeout 180 -svrTimeout 360 -downStateFlush DISABLED

bind gslb vserver vserver-GSLB-EXCHANGE-OWA_443 -serviceName service-GSLB-EXCHANGE-OWA-A_443
bind gslb vserver vserver-GSLB-EXCHANGE-OWA_443 -serviceName service-GSLB-EXCHANGE-OWA-B_443
bind gslb vserver vserver-GSLB-EXCHANGE-OWA_443 -domainName owa.gslb.domain.com -TTL 5 -sitedomainTTL 300
bind gslb service service-GSLB-EXCHANGE-OWA-A_443 -monitorName https
bind gslb service service-GSLB-EXCHANGE-OWA-B_443 -monitorName https

Now you need to create an DNS view because  we assign the public IP to the GSLB service and everybody gets the public IP as DNS response. With the internal DNS view, internal users get the internal private IP address back.


add dns view view-INTERNAL
add dns action action-DNS-INTERNAL ViewName -viewName view-INTERNAL
add dns policy policy-DNS-INTERNAL "client.IP.SRC.IN_SUBNET(" action-DNS-INTERNAL
bind dns global policy-DNS-INTERNAL 100 -gotoPriorityExpression END -type REQ_DEFAULT

bind gslb service service-GSLB-EXCHANGE-OWA-A_443 -viewName view-INTERNAL
bind gslb service service-GSLB-EXCHANGE-OWA-B_443 -viewName view-INTERNAL


add dns view view-INTERNAL
add dns action action-DNS-INTERNAL ViewName -viewName view-INTERNAL
add dns policy policy-DNS-INTERNAL "client.IP.SRC.IN_SUBNET(" action-DNS-INTERNAL
bind dns global policy-DNS-INTERNAL 100 -gotoPriorityExpression END -type REQ_DEFAULT

bind gslb service service-GSLB-EXCHANGE-OWA-A_443 -viewName view-INTERNAL
bind gslb service service-GSLB-EXCHANGE-OWA-B_443 -viewName view-INTERNAL

That’s it from the configuration for GSLB, quite easy and straight forward 🙂

Here you find a very detailed PDF from Citrix about GSLB: http://support.citrix.com/servlet/KbServlet/download/22506-102-671576/gslb-primer_FINAL_1019.pdf