Part three: Ansible URI module and PUT or POST

This will be the last part of my short series on the Ansible URI module and this time I will explain and show examples about when to use PUT or POST when interacting with REST APIs. I make use of the JSON_QUERY filter which I have explained in my previous article.

What is the difference between POST and PUT?

  • PUT – The PUT method is idempotent and needs the universal unique identifier (uuid) to update an API object. Example PUT /api/service/{{ object-uuid }}. The HTTP return code is 200.

  • POST – Is not idempotent and used to create an API object and an unique identifier is not needed for this. In this case the uuid is server-side generated.  Example POST /api/service/. The HTTP return code is 201.

I am again using the example from AVI Network Software Load Balancers and their REST API.

password: 123
api_version: 17.2.13
  name: openshift-cloud-provider
openshift_cloud_json: "{{ lookup('template','openshift_cloud_json.j2') }}"

(Optional) Set ansible_host variable to IP address. I have had issues in the past using the DNS name and the task below overrides the variable with the IP address of the host:

- block:
  - name: Resolve hostname
    shell: dig +short "{{ ansible_host }}"
    changed_when: false
    register: dig_output
  - name: Set ansible_host to IP address
      ansible_host: "{{ dig_output.stdout }}"
  when: ( inventory_hostname == groups ["controller"][0] )

Let’s start creating an object using POST and afterwards updating the existing object using PUT. The problem with POST is, that it is not idempotent so we need to first check if the object exists before creating it. We need to do this because creating the same object twice could be an issue:

- block: 
  - name: Avi | OpenShift | Check cloud config
      url: "https://{{ ansible_host }}/api/cloud/?name={{ }}" 
      method: GET 
      user: "{{ username }}" 
      password: "{{ password }}" 
      return_content: yes 
      body_format: json 
      force_basic_auth: yes 
      validate_certs: false 
      status_code: 200 
      timeout: 180 
        X-Avi-Version: "{{ api_version }}" 
    register: check

  - name: Avi | OpenShift | Create cloud config
      url: "https://{{ ansible_host }}/api/cloud/" 
      method: POST 
      user: "{{ username }}" 
      password: "{{ password }}" 
      return_content: yes 
      body: "{{ openshift_cloud_json }}" 
      body_format: json 
      force_basic_auth: yes 
      validate certs: false 
      status_code: 201 
      timeout: 180 
        X-Avi-Version: "{{ api_version }}"
    when: check.json.count == 0 
  when: ( inventory_hostname == groups ["controller"][0] ) and update_config is undefined

Let’s continue with the example and using PUT to update the configuration of an existing object. To do this you need to define a extra variable update_config=true for the tasks below to be executed:

- block: 
  - name: Avi | OpenShift | Check cloud config
      url: "https://{{ ansible_host }}/api/cloud/" 
      method: GET 
      user: "{{ username }}" 
      password: "{{ password }}" 
      return_content: yes 
      body_format: json 
      force_basic_auth: yes 
      validate_certs: false 
      status_code: 200 
      timeout: 180 
        X-Avi-Version: "{{ api_version }}" 
    register: check

  - name: Avi | Set_fact for OpenShift name 
      openshift_cloud_name: "[?name=='{{ }}').uuid"
  - name: Avi | Set_fact for OpenShift uuid
      openshift_cloud_uuid: "{{ check.json.results | json_query(penshift_cloud_name) }}" 
  - name: Avi | OpenShift | Update cloud config
      url: "https://{{ ansible_host }}/api/cloud/{{ openshift_cloud_uuid [0] }}" 
      method: PUT 
      user: "{{ username }}" 
      password: "{{ password }}" 
      return_content: yes 
      body: "{{ openshift_cloud_json }}" 
      body_format: json 
      force_basic_auth: yes 
      validate_certs: false 
      status_code: 200 
      timeout: 180 
        X-Avi-Version: "{{ api_version }}" 
    when: ( inventory_hostname == groups ("controller"][0] ) and update_config is defined

Here you find the links to the other articles about Ansible URI module:

Please share your feedback and leave a comment.

3 Replies to “Part three: Ansible URI module and PUT or POST”

    1. Hey Garry,

      With the URI module you can set auth headers.

      Here an example:

      - hosts: "localhost"
          - uri:
              method: "PATCH"
                Authorization: "token-xxxxxxxx"
                Content-Type: "application/json"
              url: ""
            register: "result"
          - assert:
              that: "{{ item }}"
              - "result['json']['headers']['Authorization'] == 'token-xxxxxxxx'"
              - "result['json']['headers']['Content-Type'] == 'application/json'"


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